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Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 13.07.2014 21:12
od napalm

Nice! :)

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 13.07.2014 21:30
od sWiNe
hey gentlemans, lets go to register!

jdem do toho hoši, to bude největší česká trialová akce ... akorát že v rakousku :-D

trošku mě sere, že je to v půlce října, to už bude beztak kosa jak hovado ... ale myslím, že to bude hodně silná kulturní vložka!

Stiifii doufám, že se do té doby neoholíš!!!

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 21.07.2014 22:46
od leowrc

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 22.07.2014 8:08
od Leprasol
Taxem registrovanej:)

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 24.07.2014 10:32
od daniels
Registration is open: ... ation.html
And already some Czech drivers registered! :FINE: :FINE: ... edit#gid=0


Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 25.07.2014 17:37
od sWiNe
Hi gentlemen, especially leowrc, daniels and napalm. I still dont understand your technical rules for our models. I want start with my real trial race car. Absolutely without expediton scale items, no winch, no tow straps, no lights ... its homemade chassis with narrowed SCX axles and wheels with 109mm diameter and lexan body. So can i start in 1,9 Adventurist class? In registration form i must chose HRCCT Scale Challenge class? Can i find somewhere rules for racing competitions in english? Thank you for your answer, hope we will enjoy Recon lots of! Ondrej

EDIT: Are these rules applicable for us? If its right, so i understand without problems :-) ... f=53&t=424

This is my race vehicle. Lots of us want to start with very similar model


Češi jak vy jste to pochopili, jestli tomu dobře rozumím, tak všechny auta musí splňovat:

scale gumy, vyprošťovací lano, 10 skejl pyčovin a vypadat skejlově .. přičemž po splnění tohoto jseš hozen do jedné z tří kategorií, což by dle gum bylo v mém případě 1,9 Adventurist, ale žádné lana a cypárny nemám a ani je tam nebudu dávat, takže?

EDIT: Pokud jsou tyhle pro nás, pak už je to v podstatě vysvětleno. Ale tady na druhé stránce to teda bylo popsáno tak nějak hodně stručně .. ... f=53&t=424

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 25.07.2014 18:11
od Číža
myslim ze to rikas dobre...tady jsou pravidla v anglictine:

Class-Specs 1st european RECON G6:

All Cars:
-Scale Tires – no Comp Crawler Tires
-Tow Strap
-10 Scale Items
-Should look like a Scale Offroad Vehicle
-A winch is recommended – but penalty winch is possible

-1.55, 1.7 or 1.9 rims
-tire diameter <=105 mm
-Hardbody (no Lexan)
-2 Bumpers
-wheels inside fenders
-number plates
-typical cars: RC4WD Trailfinder 2, Tamiya CC01

1.9 Adventurist
-1.55, 1.7 or 1.9 rims
-tire diameter <=120 mm
-typical cars: Axial Racing SCX10

2.2 Adventurist
-typical cars: Axial Wraith Wraith

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 25.07.2014 18:13
od sWiNe
Tak mrkni na ten link, který jsem postnul úplně dole. Měl by být použitelný pro celý ten jejich maďarskorakouský pohár a je to tam vysvětlené podstatně jinak. Pokud ti chybí ty kraviny na autě, tak dostaneš penalizaci ale jedeš. V tom cos tady napsal a je to tu na druhé stránce bych tak nějak spíš řekl, že bez toho startovat nemůžu vůbec ...

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 25.07.2014 18:18
od Číža
jojo kouknu na to ale nevidel bych v tom probem kdyby tohle vsechno bylo povinny tak se 80% ceskejch RC blaznu vč me nezucastni...hold pred startem vyfasnu 25 trestnejch a jede se dal...myslim ze to tak ale bude mit vetsina lidi co to pojedou

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 25.07.2014 18:21
od sWiNe
No ono to právě tak nějak koresponduje s jejich pohledem na věc, že jsou to opravdu skejl závody. V mrakáči to tak nějak vypadá podobně, ale u nás s těma posekanýma dingama a rozpáranýma landfreederama bychom asi moc do toho konceptu nezapadali ... :lol:

Se koukni jaké krásky tam mají na závodech: topic12179.html

To bych pak i pochopil, že nebudou zvědaví na nějakou lexanovou ostříhanou svini s 2,2 kolama ...

Ale doufejme, že to bude tak, jak na tom odkaze, jinak si fakt nezajezdíme :-)

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 25.07.2014 18:31
od kanaďan
:OK: Můj názor je, že jde o to hlavně se zúčastnit, kouknout se do světa, a né vyhrát - takže klidně 100 mínusových bodů.... :-D :-D
Pokoukám, pojezdím si...stejně budu rozumět, protože mě celý školní život učili rusky!!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 25.07.2014 20:42
od sWiNe
Na body seru, ale aspoň bych rád věděl, jestli se můžu zúčastnit ... popřípadě bych poskládal Blazera, karimatku a vyprošťovací plechy mám :mrgreen:

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 25.07.2014 22:52
od napalm
sWiNe píše:Hi gentlemen, especially leowrc, daniels and napalm. I still dont understand your technical rules for our models. I want start with my real trial race car. Absolutely without expediton scale items, no winch, no tow straps, no lights ... its homemade chassis with narrowed SCX axles and wheels with 109mm diameter and lexan body. So can i start in 1,9 Adventurist class? In registration form i must chose HRCCT Scale Challenge class? Can i find somewhere rules for racing competitions in english? Thank you for your answer, hope we will enjoy Recon lots of! Ondrej


For Recon G6 (saturday), yes, you can enter in 1.9 Adventurist.
The HRCCT Scale Challenge is the sunday race, the finals of the Central Europe Cup. For this, you can enter in C2/Ultimate, basically very similar to 1.9 Adventurist... rules and class specs will be online soon :OK:

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 26.07.2014 10:57
od sWiNe
Ok thanks dude. So i will click to registration after relase of rules and i will decide, where i want to start. :BYE:

Re: STONEROCKER Festival - Recon G6 - Trial & Crawler, Austr

Napsal: 05.08.2014 21:44
od napalm
Stonerocker Festival - Sunday Scale Trophy
(Central European Scale Trophy finals)

1. Class Specs
1.1 Overall Info´s: Teams are drawn by lot.

Remember, it is a scale competetion and the RC Cars should look like little real offroad cars. The race is more like a just-for-fun jamboree rather than a hardcore race ;)

1.2 Class 1 / Class 2

Class 1 - Street:

- Tire-diameter <110mm / max. 1.9" wheels

- Maximum wheel offset from body/fender: 5mm

- Hardbody (ABS, PS, Metal, Wood, etc.) - no Lexan/Polycarbonate bodys!

- Tuber chassis not allowed

Class 2 - Offroad:

- All Cars they don´t fit in Class 1.

- maximum tire diameter: 120mm / max. 2.2" wheels

- maximum width: 250mm

- Tuber chassis allowed

- Inner edge from minimum 2 tires have to be inside of the outer edge of the tire inside of the outer edge of the Tuber!

The maximum width is 25cm. (Without exterior parts like mirrors.)

There is no maximum length.

If you look from above to your car, there shouldn´t be any electronic components to see.

Rear steering is not allowed.

Winch Down is not allowed.

A Dig isn´t allowed.

MOA (Motors On Axle) are not allowed.

No nitro cars.

Caterpillars or Mattracks are not allowed.

Waterproof electronics and front winch are advised!

2. Scale Parts

2.1 Mandatory scale parts:
- Mirrors
- Windschield wipers

- country typical license plates
- towing rope
- front and rear lights (2x white + 2x red)

2.2 Scale-Bonuspoints (max 20pt):

- Hardbody: 5Pt.

- Full Interior: 5Pt.

- Tire pattern completely covered: 3Pt.

- Doors/Hood/back door to open: 3Pt.

- Sand ladder: 2pt

- Leaf springs: 2pt

- Winch: 2pt

2.3 Scoring:

For scoring there will be the failure points, the drive time and the Scalepoints.

Every started minute will be one (1) Point.

Time and points starts when the first car of your team crosses the start line and ends when the last car of your team pass the finsih line of the section.

Overall points = Failure points + Team drive time -€“ ScaleBonuspoints

Team end result = (Overall team points) / (size of team)

The smaller value the better

3. The sections

The maximal drive time per specials is 40 minutes.

Gates in the special sections must be completed from the given direction

C1 and C2 cars drives on the same section, but it is possible that there will be class specific gates.

No training on the courses! (or DNS penalty)

You aren´t allowed to change your setup or remove some parts of your car after the inspection (except battery replacement).

It is a team race, helping with Winching or towing your car from another team car is allowed.

You can fix your Winching Anchor with your foot or hand in earth if it don´t can hold up himself. (You don´t allowed to hold it in the air while winching!)

Every gate tuch counts! Gates are allways active.

Exception: Start and Finish gates doesent count!

Minimal gate width: 26cm

3.1 Failure-Points

- Touch the car (eg.: reposition, leaving the track, preventing rollover etc.) 30Pt

- Touch a gate or a boundary / Promotion boundary 15 Pt.

- Missed gate 30pt

- DNS: Did not Start - all gates of the section x 20Pt + 20Pt .

- DNF: Did not Finish - all not finished gates of the section x 20Pt + 20Pt

DNF may be different for the racers in a team. If if your car wrecks, you get DNF, but your teammates can continue!
Between the specials, you are allowed to repair for free, if you reach the next special in time (otherwise DNS for the next special).

3.2 Team Score

The team with the least points are the winning team. And also every driver get some points for the overall scoring.

There will be in every class a winning team!

3.3 Drivers Score for CEST (Central European Scale Trophy) 2014

Based on the overall ranking (C1+C2 mixed):

1st 25 Pt.

2nd 22 Pt.

3rd 20 Pt.

4th 18 Pt.

5th 16 Pt.

6th 15 Pt.

7th 14 Pt.

The following places are getting every time 1 point less.

3.4. CEST Tropy events:
-Babat, Hungary
-Amstetten, Austria
-Retz, Austria